To ensure curricula is better aligned to in-demand jobs, AWS, talent shapers, and educational institutions collaboratively designed and vetted skills maps that identify the critical skills that need to be developed-they are also aligning curricula to those skills. Strengthening collaboration between industry and education Through the unique collaborative effort of the AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance, educational institutions can integrate industry expertise into their programs of studies, while employers get access to a pipeline of job-ready talent. organizations say they plan to begin using the cloud in the near future. employers are using the cloud, and another 8% of U.S. In addition, the study found that 87% of U.S. businesses find it challenging to hire workers with the digital skills needed, with close to half of employers (43%) attributing the challenge to a shortage of qualified applicants. According to a recent Gallup study, 72% of U.S. With technology constantly advancing, gaps in tech skills training continues to create barriers for learners interested in pursuing tech roles and employers finding the right skilled talent.